Thursday, January 20, 2011

Monochrome Factor Chapter 60 RAWS

I nearly forgot about this O: MF Chapter 60 is already out at last! Although it's just the raws. XD

DL link is here. Credits to Ryutsuki of the MangaFox community. :D The chapter cover is creepy, but what the heck... XD

Judging from the scenes, it looks like Homurabi is serious, and intends to kill Aya for it. Kokuchi are even swarming out from his body *shiver* This is just scary. Hopefully Akira and Shirogane muster their strength to fend off Homurabi and save Aya before she gets stabbed. In another page Akira seems to be in a tough situation, and Homurabi gets his chance. But guess who comes into the scene..

...Shisui. At last, we've been expecting you. XD And what's this, Homurabi resents after seeing the other King of Rei? Has he realized the bad thing he's done?

Homurabi's hair covering his face + surprised look = a woobie. XD

But he still attacks Shisui. Gladly, Shirogane interfered. *breathes deeply*

That's it for the 60th chapter...I can't fully translate it with the scenes alone because I might get something wrong D: I'm still learning Japanese. Hope you like it~

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