Saturday, February 27, 2010

More Revelations!

February 27, 2010


Exams are finally over and we're back at the lazy works again (ehem, fanfic making and the rest...well, I have been acting all smart since the exams, and heck, that was stupid)...And oh! There are lots of things that had happened too.

Yup, Vampire Knight 58 is already out! It just came out this day, February 27. I'm currently reading it right now. And guess what? I was wishing the 58th chapter would come out, and it came true! So here it is, I present you with a link to the 58th chapter of VK.

Chapter 58: Sacrifice
And after all these days Angels of the Dark has also been updated with one chapter!
Chapter 10: Investigation
Whew, made it in time, thanks to our broadband connection. Without it I won't be able to publish this exciting post!

I call it exciting because finally, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl's eighth Gym Leader has finally made his anime debut three days ago! Yeah, I knew about this episode the first week of Feburary and heck, I waited for a long, long time. Whoops, I promised that I'll be posting in February 25, but since it's our exams, sorry D:

Anyway here it can also get screenshots! Feel free to navigate :D
DP165: Flint of the Elite Four and Gym Leader Volkner!

And one more thing that is why I am soooooooooo happy the week before the exam. I am addicted to the anime version of Tales of the Abyss!!! It all started in an Otakuzine issue where I saw the couple Tear Grants and Luke fon Fabre...And I started researching a lot about this anime (did I forget to mention that I already bought the DVD five months earlier??) and there, got addicted, up until now. Guess who I like? Nope, not Luke, he's already got Mystearica by his side (BTW, THAT's Tear's real name) XD

This pic'll prove it!

Ohhkay...You may be a bit confused with this guy since he looks like Luke himself. But actually, Luke is the replica of this guy...This guy calls himself Asch the Bloody, but he is the TRUE Luke fon Fabre. Yup, I like him better than Luke...and I don't know why. In the OP sequence of the anime... *stumbles down* I better not tell, I'm going to feel uneasy. XD

And the Wikia tells it all. Tales Series Wiki

There are many things that had happened this week but we cannot seem to change them anymore. Like the fact that I am already graduating :( (yeah I know it's sad but we cannot get out of it, can we?) I sure hope even if me and my classmates already live separate lives we can still talk to each other :'(

It sure is another long post as the last one, huh. And about the dialogue? I'll fix it by the night of our JS Promenade. Yes, you heard it right. I'M NOT ATTENDING THE PROM. >:) Perfect, the continuation's going to be romantic XD

I am also addicted to the revived We Are The World by Michael Jackson. It's dedicated to the victims of the Haiti earthquake. It's so touching too...I kept repeating it. :)

AH!!! BEFORE I FORGET!! The Annoying Orange rocks my world today! Haha, that orange, I hope he's real. He's funny when he's so annoying!!! And yes, The Annoying Orange has his own channel on YouTube already.

And visit my site too! I edited it last Saturday :))
The Vampire of Time Compression

Well then, that's all for this post.
Dewa, ja ne ^^

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Late February Greeting!

Looks like this post is going to be much longer than I thought. D:

Oh well, let's move on to the wonderful happenings that occurred this month!!

Yes, you can say that again--our Oral Defense is finally over! And we were successful! I'm really happy we were able to survive that XD Our video resume is already done. Whew! And all the while I thought that we won't be suffering anymore, and I was wrong. THERE ARE STILL LOTS OF REQUIREMENTS NEEDED! D: (haha and I haven't started any of them yet. >:D)

It's our Periodical Exams on 24, 25 and 26. Gosh, I was waiting for 25 for a certain Pokemon episode and all I got was the unexpected sched of the 4th exam. AND TAKE NOTE! Only the first section of the 4TH YEAR LEVEL. Rumble sections will still need to study hard XD

Welcome to the first post for the month of love, February! I don't know who's going to give me Valentine's Day gifts, but I'm keeping myself busy over a tragedy/romance dialogue. So I guess I'll be expressing my feelings through writing. ^_^

So far so good, there are no manga updates for this month. VK will resume sometime in the middle of February. As well as Angels of the Dark...I'm sure they're pretty busy as well that's why they don't have time to post much like me... *sweatdrop*

Right. As I promised before, the continuation of the dialogue!!

[Zero points the long katana towards Mizore, ready for the kill.]
Zero: You want to...fight me...until I realize my wrongdoings? Heh... [smiles] won't find it easy though. So, what are you waiting for...Mizore?
Mizore: I'll kill you for sure!!
[the two fight, the blades of the swords clashing one other, and the wind forcefully blows beside them. Shiki interestingly watched their sparring while Ichijou cocked his head aside, not wanting to see two lovers fight.]
Mizore: You're wrong, Zero!! I was surprised! Why did you have to do this to me?! I've been silently waiting for you back in the Dormitory,,,And this is all I get in return?!
Zero: Then you should have not waited for me.
[in anger Mizore tries to stab him but Zero simply stops her.]
Mizore: NO! I won't forgive you for being out so long!! You made me suffer all these days...
Zero: ...[awkward silence]
Mizore: ANSWER ME, Zero!
Zero: ...Then, defeat me if you wish...And let's battle it out...till our death!!
[the two cross blades again. Scene fades to black as blood was seen on the foot of the door.]

Whew! It took me more than thirty minutes to finish(and yes, I am sleepy that is why I'm like this--pausing for a little sleep then going on again). I'm really sorry about the dialogue if it is quite small. I'm too tired to make more posts.. ^^ But hopefully next, next week(esp. Feb. 25 ="D)

Right now I am addicted to Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility. Well, it just happened all of a sudden and here I am. I really can't explain, so sorry D: Next is still Pandora Hearts. My loyaty to this one will never waver. Gundam 00 again, I don't know why. And lastly, 07-Ghost!! Hear I go again...UNEXPECTEDLY addicted. ^^

I'm actually really sleepy the time I wrote this. I made a lot of grammar and word mistakes, and heck...I really can't type straight D:
I forgot. The pic above is from Harvest Moon: ToT. He's a bachelor, and he's my ULTIMATE favoite...SADLY I don't have Wii. I wish I could have one D:


Well then, this is it. ^^
I'm reeeeeeeaaaaally tired, that's why I'll be signing off.
Dewa, ja ne ^^